physio .

the path to healthy movement

We don’t just treat the symptoms of your health problems, we look for the cause. We will deal with your emergency and advise you on prevention. We will give you individual attention and look for the best way to help your body move in a healthy and natural way. With our help,  you will feel good again, whether you have a specific musculoskeletal problem or want to prevent a sports injury. We are here for you.

The foundation of our therapeutic approach is exercise based on certified international concepts. Some stem from developing movements that our body first learnt at an early age, and others involve lifting your limbs with the help of aids so that even the weakest muscle can be properly engaged. These types of training are designed to repair the damage our modern lifestyle leaves on our bodies.

In addition to exercise, the Kapka resort physiotherapy department also offers screenings with the high tech Footscan pressure plate, and oxygen therapy (inhalations of molecular hydrogen and hydrogen inhalation in a hyperbaric chamber, electrotherapy and liquid nitrogen vapour treatments).

+420 703 14 52 51

MON: 8.00–16.30 | FRI: 7.00 – 14:30

our services .

examination .

At your first appointment with the physiotherapist you will undergo an initial examination or a kinesiological analysis. This involves a series of tests that allow the therapist to discover what is bothering you, and to choose the best therapy option. This initial assessment takes 50 minutes, and costs the same as an individual therapy session.

50 min.


therapy .

Based on the initial examination, we will select the ideal type of therapeutic treatment and technique. Each individual therapy session lasts 50 minutes and is conducted in a one-on-one style, with the therapist focusing solely on you and your problem.

   50 min.

electrotherapy .

Electrotherapy has become a traditional complement to physiotherapy. Therapists around the world use its pain-relieving effects to prepare patients prior to treatment, to relax sore muscles or to exercise weakened muscles. The length of electrotherapy sessions vary according to the type of current.

6-20 min.


kinesiotaping .

You’re probably familiar with taping. Flexible adhesive tapes, when applied correctly, act as injury prevention and promote healing. They support your muscles to work actively and to protect them at the same time. The length of this procedure depends on the type of tape application, usually around 10 minutes.

   cca. 10 min.

hyperbaric oxygen therapy .

Oxygen therapy oxygenates the tissues, accelerates healing, alleviates pain and eliminates inflammation. Using a breathing mask, you inhale oxygen at a pressure of about two atmospheres for approximately 60 minutes. You may only undergo this type of treatment with the permission of your doctor.

   60 min.

molecular hydrogen inhalation .

At Kapka resort, you can experience this recent hit in health-care. Hydrogen has a positive effect on any conditions related to inflammation. Hydrogen therapy has been used to speed up recovery after sports or illness, to treat post-covid symptoms and to alleviate fatigue and support well-being.

   30 min.

cryotherapy .

Cryotherapy is frost therapy. The practitioner applies liquid nitrogen vapours at temperatures as low as -160°C directly to your skin. The treated area is cooled intensively and blood circulation is significantly increased. This localized therapy is used to treat acute closed wounds, post-traumatic conditions, joint pain or local inflammation.

   60 min.

more info .

hyperbaric chamber

Benefits and effects of hyperbaric chamber:

For health:
– Improves blood circulation
– Stimulates the immune system
– Improves blood circulation throughout the body
– Accelerates metabolism
– Accelerates recovery of the body, not only in athletes
– Supplies oxygen to peripheral areas
– Helps in the treatment of post-COVID conditions
– Helps healing after surgical procedures
– Suppresses chronic inflammation
– Helps in the treatment of non-healing wounds
– Helps with migraines, frostbite, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Crohn’s disease
– Accelerates the healing of tibial ulcers

For care
– Rejuvenates the skin
– Reduces subcutaneous fat
– Cleanses the body of toxins
– Reduces fatigue
– Improves psyche and sleep quality

For athletes
– Accelerates recovery after sports performance
– Prepares the body for sports performance
– Reduces inflammation and swelling
– Improves the psyche
– Eliminates muscle fatigue and tension

Safety checklist
– NO matches, lighters, newspapers, any combustibles including gas, cigarettes, alcohol, disinfectants, alcohol-based cosmetics, oils, ointments or any products containing aerosol.
– NO containers: plastic bottles, cardboard, glass bottles or glasses containing liquids (danger of explosion)
– NO Electronics: cell phones, watches, tablets, laptops, iPods, AirPods, CDs, DVDs, MP3 players (danger of destruction)
– NO Food, drink, medicines or hearing aids.

When to avoid the hyperbaric chamber
Do not use the chamber if
– you feel ill or have symptoms of a cold or another illness
– you suffer from claustrophobia
– you are or might be pregnant
– you have been drinking or taking drugs
– you have a pacemaker
– you have a pneumothorax or suffer from an obstructive lung disease
– you have chronic sinusitis or an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
– You have a brain or ear injury
– You have hypertension
– If you are undergoing chemotherapy

local cryotherapy

Local cryotherapy can help you if you suffer from pain due to rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and idiopathic joint

In physiotherapy, local cryotherapy is used to treat
– muscle injuries
– osteoarticular injuries
– spinal pain syndromes, including discopathy
– painful scars after surgery
– fibromyalgia
– myasthenia gravis, spastic paresis, Parkinson’s disease, idiopathic pain and acute neuritis as a complement to other treatment

To prevent
– inflammation right after injury, e.g.with sprains and bruises
– swelling after surgical procedures in breasts, hands, jaws
-to reduce cellulitis

– You suffer from cryoglobulinemia (pathological antibodies in the blood, sensitive to cold)
– You suffer from cold agglutinin disease (presence of cold sensitive antibodies in your blood)
– You suffer from cold haemoglobinuria
– You suffer from cold urticaria
– You suffer from hypersensitivity to cold
– You have Raynaud’s phenomenon (your fingers spasm and discolour when exposed to cold, your arteries shrink and hurt)
– You have significant anemia
– You have frostbite
– You have microvascular tissue disorders (e.g., arterial occlusive disorder, diabetes, chronic venous insufficiency)
– You have a significant cardiac and vascular disorder (IHD, hypertension)
– You have kidney disease
– You have herpes
– You have skin lesions (including fresh burns)
– You have sinusitis
– You have acne
– You are pregnant


– Please be on time. If you are late, you will be missing out on your therapy time.
– You are welcome to wear sports clothes to the session. If it’s your first appointment, don’t forget your underwear!
– If you are sick or have a cold, please reschedule your session to protect not only your health but the health of the therapist and other visitors.


It is NOT safe to have an electrotherapy or an ultrasound treatment or scan IF

– You have febrile conditions (fever) of any kind
– You have or have had cancer
– Your sensitivity at the site of application of the therapy is reduced
– You suffer from severe cardiac or respiratory insufficiency.
– You are pregnant and the treatment area is close to your pelvis or abdomen
– The treatment area shows skin damage (a burn) or other skin changes (eczema, skin inflammation)
– You suffer from blood clotting disorders
– You are suffering from any contagious disease
– There are metal or electrical implants in your body at the site of application (metal implants, pacemakers, splints, screws, joint replacements, piercings)
– You have multiple sclerosis (no electrotherapy)
– You have a neuropsychopathic disorder (no electrotherapy)
– You have had a laminectomy (no ultrasound)

availability .

our physiotherapists .


Lucie Baluchová, Bc.


about me

Bc. Lucie Baluchová is an experienced physiotherapist, who has completed the DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization) certification course by Prof. Kolář at the Motol hospital. This rehabilitation method uses movements that we learnt at an early age to control our bodies.

newsletter .

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